Sunday, 22 December 2024

Summer Solstice Roasted Nut Muesli

 Hello again and welcome back to my blog,

I thought today as it is still officially the Summer Solstice/LITHA weekend, I would do a bit of Kitchen Witchery and share my Summer Solstice Roasted Nut Muesli with you all - it has no artificial ingredients, no additional flavourings, colourings or preservatives, no chemical numbers etc., - just a whole lot of goodness, made from scratch by loving hands and Mother Earth.

My family love this when I make it (they can't get enough of it actually), so if you have a spare hour or so and you are looking for something to do - why not try making your own batch of Muesli.


(I have to put a warning just in case - you never know, and I don't want to be blamed (or sued) because someone had a reaction or died from my muesli recipe, you would think it being called Roasted NUT Muesli that it would alert them to the fact that is has nuts in it - but some people are just plain NUTS!!)


3 Cups of Rolled Oats (you can use gluten free ones if you wish)

1 Cup of Cashews & 1 Cup of any nuts you like - you can even mix them up (Almond, peanut, pine, pecan, walnut for example).

1/2 Cup of Pumpkin Seeds

1/2 Cup of Sunflower Seeds

2 Tablespoons each of Flaxseed, Chia Seed, Sesame Seed - or any seeds you like.

1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon

2 Tablespoons of Coconut Oil

1/2 Cup Honey (sorry vegans - I suppose you could use Maple Syrup instead)

Remember - you can adapt this recipe to include the nuts and seeds that you like, so if you don't like cashews or sunflower seeds - then don't put them in, substitute it for some other nut and seed.


Combine all the dry ingredients in a big bowl and mix well, add in the coconut oil and honey - mix well again until all the dry ingredients are coated.  You can use this time to focus on your intentions for this muesli, I focused on my family's health, gut health, and a feeling of happiness when they consume it.

Spread half the mixture evenly onto a lined tray (I like to use those silicone liners), and press down.

Bake at 180 degrees Celsius (approximately 350 Fahrenheit) for 15 minutes on the middle shelf, then stir the muesli up and spread out again, bake for another five minutes - keep doing this until the muesli is a golden colour.

Allow to cool right down.

At this stage, if you wanted to - you could put in a cup of sultanas, raisins or your prefered dried fruit - mix it thoroughly in then put it into an airtight container - preferably glass.

I didn't put any fruit in mine because my family don't like it - so the total I made was 2 x 1000ml jars.

It should last up to a month in a cool pantry (If your family don't eat it first haha).


(in no particular order......)

Pumpkin Seeds symbolise hope, growth and potential for a new beginning.

Sunflower Seeds because of their association with the sun, symbolise loyalty and adoration. enlightenment, resilience and personal growth.

Sesame Seeds are used for money drawing, wealth and prosperity, success and abundance, lust inducing, removes spiritual impurities and is used to curse and confuse trickster spirits.

Flaxseed symbolises purity, perseverance and rebirth - can be used to enhance mental powers, increasing the psychic visions and abilities.

Cashew Nuts are used for prosperity, love and communication.

Almond Nuts are used for mental clarity, abundance and healing.

Coconut Oil for confidence, strength and glamour.

Peanuts for stability, energy and manifestation.

Cinnamon is used for protection, to attract wealth and prosperity, to ward off negative influences and protect against harm.

I hope you enjoy this recipe and feel free to adapt it to your own tastes.

Solstice Blessings to you,


Gloomy )O( xxx

Copyright Gloomy's Garden (Gloomy the Garden Witch) 2024

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