Wednesday 17 July 2024

I have started a YouTube channel...

 Hello my little wild ones,

Well, it's been a hot minute since I last posted, so I thought I would update you on what I have been doing in the cyberworld...

I have started up a YouTube channel:

It only has 4 videos on at the moment and it will be a mixture of gardening, health, herbal remedies, green witchery and anything else I feel like sharing with you all as time goes by.

I hope you will join me and maybe pop over to see my latest Gloomy's Garden Vlog (well, it's actually the first one ever) - right here.........

Gloomy's Garden Vlog # 1 

At this stage I do not know how often I will be posting - it depends on how much time I have at any given time, but I hope to post at least once a month at this stage, as I work up the nerve to actually talk live in front of the camera (I am very shy!!).

Anyway - ENJOY!!!

Blessings to you as always,

Annette (Gloomy) XxX )O(


Monday 15 July 2024


In today's society there are a LOT of illnesses that can be prevented by having good gut flora.  The so called "Foods" we eat today are making us very sick (and surely killing us quicker than normal).  To prevent getting ill, we need to get our gut flora in check, and to do this we need to stay away from processed and packaged foods, junk food, excessive sugar, flavourings and colourings.

Look at the list of ingredients packaged foods in the supermarkets and you will notice a load of numbers and words that you don't even know what they are - this is wrong, so very, very wrong.  You should be able to tell what is in your food.

Herbal Bitters can really aid the digestive system and it is a good practice to take them just before a large meal - (like the sort we eat at Christmas time, where we stuff ourselves silly and then can't move...hahaha).  

Herbal Bitters can also have a very positive effect on all the body systems, as there are bitter receptors throughout the body and it will help to stimulate these systems.  

This herbal concoction can be used all year round if required - before any large meal, greasy fried meal, or a rich meal, (though it does pay to limit these kinds of meals) to help in the digestion of such foods through your body.


Dandelion Leaves and Roots,



Calendula/Marigold Flowers, 


Elecampane (can be fresh or dried), 

Fennel Seeds,




Simply chop them all up and place in a Kilner/Mason jar.  Cover with brandy, stir to remove any bubbles then leave to infuse for 3-4 weeks in a cool, dark cupboard. 


You can also use Vervain, Agrimony, Ginger, Hops, Burdock Root, Dock Root, Stinging Nettle and many others.  


When infusion is complete, strain out the herbs and put the bitters into a dark bottle, and store in a dark pantry or cupboard.





 Take 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon about 15-20 minutes before eating (work your way up to a tablespoon full if you do not like bitters).  It is best to take bitters straight on to the tongue but perhaps add the bitters to a little drop of water until you get used to the bitter taste.  

This concoction will last up to 6 months. 




You can either grow these herbs in your garden or purchase them dried online from a reputable source.  But I prefer to grow my own herbs so I know that they are fresh and have not been sprayed with any pesticides or other nasties.


If you are under a Health Practitioner's supervision, always check with them first before embarking to take anything herbal, just to make sure there are no herbs in the mix that might be contra-indicated for you (will clash), with the prescription medication you are already on. Better to be safe than sorry!

I hope you found this helpful in your quest for a healthy gut flora.

Keep well my friends.