Greeting Earthly Folks,
I hope I find you all well on this lovely Autumnal day.
Yes - it's Autumn here in the suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia - Winter is looming and I have SO many things I need to do in the garden before the cooler weather hits. So much so that I have made a list of things to do, which stems over 3 pages long - just so I can keep track and get things moving.
It's a busy time of the year sowing seeds for Winter veggies, making sure all the fruit trees are pruned and composted around the trunks, overwintering chillies and other cold affected plants. Making sure everything has good drainage etc.
Our achievements so far in this Summer/Autumn transition have been wonderful - Super-Hubby bought me a portable greenhouse (in other words not a glass house, but one that can be moved).. Mind you - Super-Hubby made sure that it was secured to the concrete by drilling little brackets to hold it down - this baby ain't going anywhere until we want it to!!
In this greenhouse I have all my seeds that I have sown - Celery, Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Snow Peas, Carrots & Onions (so far) - I have a few more items to get started in the next couple of weeks - I would love to grow some Cavolo nero kale (it's the straight kind not the curly one - which I find easier to clean), I would also like to grow brussel sprouts, and I have to plant more perpetual spinach (we go through a lot of that).
Things are starting to pop up quite nicely now I have a greenhouse and I am
looking forward to seeing how much food I can grow this year in my tiny back garden.
I am hoping to get a couple more raised beds as well, so that I can use them specifically for food growth.
We have also purchased a gazebo to go in the corner of our yard where we have our table and chair setting - so that we can utilise that area in winter too.
This will arrive later next week (as it was a special order), then Super-Hubby and the team (Caetlyn & myself) will be building it - so that should be interesting!!
Luckily, the pieces are all cut and prepared - we just have to put the jig-saw puzzle together (we are not builders, but we figured - we managed a greenhouse with dodgy instructions, we can handle this!!).
In the garden - we have harvested all the Peaches off of our O'Henry Peach tree - what an abundance we got this year, which was really a blessing as we didn't think that the fruit would survive after the wild and woolly weather we have had the last few months of Spring/Summer. But none the less, we managed to harvest around 60 beautiful peaches. I froze a lot of them, made peach jam and we ate a lot of them too - I still have some left in the little fridge outside, which I have to either freeze or make something with (probably more jam!!).
Our apple trees were a bit of a disaster this year - they got coddling moth again and even though I took precautions, most of the apples had to be thrown away or left to the birds. I did manage to get one basket full of really small apples off the red delicious tree - none of them were red - or delicious. I still have to do something with those too - though I am not sure what at this stage - probably either dehydrate apple slices or blanch and freeze them.
We have pumpkins growing still - it was a bit weird this year as everyone was thinking they wouldn't get any due to the weird weather we have had - then all of a sudden they had flowers everywhere - and now pumpkins are growing when they should be dying back. Same with the Zucchinis.
Tomatoes this year were a bit of a flop too - the only ones that really took off were the small bite-sized volunteer ones - I only got a few of the bigger ones (Red & Black variety) which were delicious, but not enough of them. I didn't get enough to make any sauce this year.
Capsicums have been the same - only have around 6 fruit this year - last year they kept going all through winter - but I don't like my chances this year.
Chillies are the same - even though I still have to harvest some of the yellow habanero. There are about 20 of them still on the plant - but not enough to make any chilli sauce with. So I am going to dehydrate them and make some killer chilli powder and flakes to use in the next 9 months.
I have yellow dwarf beans flowering at the moment - so hoping for some beans beetroot, turnips and lots of flowers - dahlias, petunias, zinnias, poppies, kalanchoe, portulaca, calendula, marigolds, osteospermums, hibiscus, dietes grandiflora (African Lily) - they are all looking most spectacular and attracting the bees and other pollinating insects.
The only herbs I have left are Peppermint, Mint, Sage, Rosemary, Yarrow and Basil - the Basil is flowering and attracting a load of bees - so I am leaving that for them... my herb garden was hit hard by the weather - so hopefully in Spring I will have a nice place to grow some more medicinal herbs.
The Pomegranates are nearly ready to be harvested - in my garden they are usually ready between late March and mid April - last year I harvested them on 25th April - so we will see this year.
I still have bulbs to plant in the front garden for a little bit of a colour POP in Spring plus lots of tidying up, pruning, weeding, mowing, and just general maintenance on garden beds to be done.
But all in good time (and hopefully by the time winter hits!!)
In the meantime - please enjoy these photos from my garden....
| Until next time - have a wonderful week ahead!!
Cheers, AJ xxx |